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Create new accent lighting patterns
Select the zone you want to create your accent for
Tap the “Accent” tab.
Tap the drop down arrow to the right of “Tutorials”.
Select the zone you want to create the accent for.
Select which lights you want turned on in the accent
Tap the + and – buttons to move the blinking light indicating which light is selected.
Tap “Set” to turn the selected light on.
Tap “Clear” to turn the selected light off.
Tap “Clear All” to restart.
Choose the color of your accent (warm & cool white available)
Tap the box under “Accent” to choose a color and tap “Done”, warm or cool white options available preset in under “Custom”.
Tap “Set All” and all of the selected lights will turn that color.
To change the color of the lights that are off, tap the box under “Background”, choose a color, and tap “Done”.
Tap the “Adjust” tab to change the brightness, add an effect, or change the color further.
Tap the “Save” tab, choose a name, and tap “Save”.